SatMeet6 - Prevalence of exozodiacal dust
Defrère Denis  1, *@  , Steve Ertel  2  , Olivier Absil  3  , William Danchi  4  , Carlos Eiroa  5  , Jane Greaves  6  , Phil Hinz  1  , Grant Kennedy  7  , Alain Léger  8  , Aki Roberge  4  , Karl Stapelfeldt  4  , Sebastian Wolf  9  
1 : University of Arizona  -  Website
University of Arizona Tucson AZ 85721 USA -  United States
2 : European Southern Observatory  (ESO)  -  Website
Karl-Schwarzchild Str. 2 D-85748 Garching bei Munchen -  Germany
3 : University of Liege
4 : NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
5 : Autonomous University of Madrid  -  Website
6 : School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews
University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS, UK -  United Kingdom
7 : University of Cambridge
8 : Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11  -  Website
Université Paris XI - Paris Sud
Université de Paris-Sud Bât. 425 91405 Orsay cedex -  France
9 : University of Kiel
* : Corresponding author

When observing an extrasolar planetary system, the most luminous component after the star itself is generally the light scattered and/or thermally emitted by a population of micron-sized dust grains. These grains are expected to be continuously replenished by the collisions and evaporation of larger bodies just as in our solar zodiacal cloud. Exozodiacal clouds (“exozodis”) must therefore be seriously taken into account when attempting to directly image exoEarths. With this satellite meeting, we propose to discuss the progress made in the field since Pathways I (2009) and review the pathways to improve our knowledge on exozodis in regard of new observational results (completed near- and mid-infrared interferometric surveys, WISE, and Herschel) and new analyses on the impact of exozodis on the direct detection of exoEarths.

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