Satellite meetingsSatellite meetings are autonomously organized and advertised, but will benefit from the Pathways conference audience and logistics. They can be workshops, round tables, group meetings, or take any format that seems fit to their organizers. Participants will need to register to the main conference even if they attend a satellite meeting only. Satellite meetings can be held on Monday, Tuesday and/or Wednesday early afternoon (2PM-4:30PM), when the main conference is off (except for extended poster sessions). Time allocation will be made in the main conference on Friday morning so that summary talks can be given to the general audience for each satellite meeting.
Confirmed satellite meetings :
Other satellite meeting (contact info) under consideration :
Three lecture rooms (seating 90, 78 and 56 persons respectively) and three rooms with "board meeting" style seating (capacities 54, 54 and 44), all outfitted wih audiovisual equipment, are available for satellite meetings in the same building as the main conference. Late proposals for satellite meetings can still be considered as long as space is available. Proposals for satellite meetings can be made either by mail at pathways2015-satmeetings@sciencesconf.org or using the "Submit a contribution" page, indicating the topic with a small rationale, type and size of room requested, number of afternoon sessions requested, and contact info for the responsible person. |